Free Introductions Songwriting

One of my favorite piggy-back songwriting templates I’ve made is based off of “Introducing Me” from Camp Rock 2. It’s a great way to get to know a new client or student at the start of services, or practice meeting new people if I bring a student observer with me to sessions. My now husband and I even shared a version of this songwriting when we first started dating to share fun facts about each other!

I’ve shared this songwriting template with my email list, and I’m excited to make it available now to you. It ensures the writer shares their name and gives opportunities to discuss other hobbies, interests, and fun facts. I also provided an opportunity in the chorus to discuss the array of feelings that can arise when meeting new people. Download the template and recording below to share with your clients. If you need more resources for social skills, check out our conversation topics flash cards!

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