Song Recommendations for Every Music Therapist to Know
As a music therapist, it can be helpful to have go-to songs and music experiences to pull out in any music therapy session. We’ve worked with all ages and have found that while this list is not all inclusive and doesn’t account for a client’s specific music preference, these are some of our top songs with each age group.
Navigating the Path to Becoming a Board Certified Music Therapist: Study Tips and Resources for the CBMT Exam
Preparing for the CBMT Exam? Our team is here to help! We’ve compiled a list of resources, tips, and materials for you to use on your path to passing the CBMT Exam. Included is a free downloadable 13 page study guide that our team assembled when they were studying for their certifications! We’re rooting for you!
Music Therapy Amazon Supplies and Materials Recommendations
Amazon has great deals throughout the year, where music therapists can find new supplies for their sessions or offices. Here are my 2023 recommendations - instruments, session materials, singable books, and office supplies that have been helpful additions to my music therapy practice!
Gift Ideas and Recommendations for Music Therapists
Need some gift ideas for your Christmas list this holiday season? This list is packed with helpful resources and supplies for the music therapy professional or student.